Car Interior item stolen!

Deirdre Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 8/15/2008 5:41:00 PM
I am so hurt to see that after paying so much money, and researching for months for a decent auto tansport service, i was wrong. My car was returned with all my removable items stolen. removable such as coin despensor, console lid, ash tray, wiper blades, cig lighters, not to mention my sentimental guardian angel that was pinned into the fabric of the roof was ripped off and stolen. Even my spare tire. The claims said they MIGHT be able to help, but they dont knwo b/c i went through my insurance comapny for coverage and not theirs. I will never use or recommend this company in fact i will advise against it. Who do they have working for them anyways? makes you think.