Matt Submitted this review about Caviness Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 8/19/2008 5:53:00 PM
Just look at all the negative reviews. The only reason they're still in business is because many customers only need 1 delivery, and repeat customers aren't the norm. Here's MY horror story.

I accepted their low-ball $650 quote in late May of '08 despite of what my conscience said. It was only after I gave them my $100 dollars did I check review sites and the BBB. Sure enough, over 30 complaints with the Texas BBB in the past 3 years. I contacted Tammy(the last time I could ever reach her) to express my concern and she confindently comforted me saying there are only problems with Cali, the NE, and Florida and that they're working with BBB to improve their status.

Here it is, almost 3 months later and no pick-up...and she won't even return my phone calls! I've made nearly 20 calls this summer and Tammy is always "unavailable, out of the office, in town, out of town." I've heard every excuse in the book. I find it absolutely amazing that whenever I call, she's not there. What are the odds of that for the whole summer! Their website boasts "100% satisfaction guaranteed." Wow! I would be ashamed of myself if I worked for this company that takes a $100 dollars from poor college students, families, and every day people just trying to make a living. I should've heeded the warning from another quote I received from a different carrier stating, "beware of super low quotes...they will take your deposit and because the bid is so low, carriers won't touch it." So the vehicle sits, and sits, and sits.

Pay the extra $$$, check these types of boards, and refer to their home state's Better Business Bureau. Good Luck.