Misleading Service

Elizabeth Submitted this review about Caviness Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 8/12/2008 5:26:00 PM
Please read this before booking with this company! I contacted the company to move my vehicle months in advance. I was told it normally takes a week to find a carrier, but sometimes may take up to ten days. I booked on 7/12 for a pick-up on 7/17. As of 8/12, nothing had happened. I contacted another carrier and they picked the vehicle up immediately, no delays.
I contacted Caviness for a refund of my $100 deposit and was told they will not refund the money after 72 hours. This would make sense if they had done ANY kind of service, but I was never contacted and I was the one following up with them on a weekly basis. I was told that there was nobody available to transport the vehicle and given excuses why another company could do it in 24 hours.
As of now, I have to go thru my credit card company to get the money back. I may be out the initial $100 deposit, but that is nothing compared to the rental charges I have had to pay out because of their deception and delay. I should also add the woman I spoke to on the phone initially was certain the pick-up would be within a week, and she made several assurances to that effect. Apparently her word was no good and I am paying for trusting her.