america's choice made my day

robert e. godsey Submitted this review about America's Choice Auto Movers
Review made Live: 1/11/2006 7:34:00 PM
I was tied up with another company for 34 days , trying to get my 1929 Model A Ford Coupe from Iowa to North Carolina, without any success, I finally switched to America's choice and within three days my Model A was here , at a lower price and in excellent condition.
The driver who delivered my auto was the greatest, his name was TOMMY of B&TTrucking out of Grover, NC. In fact all the individuals that I was in contact with during this transaction were pleasant, knowledgeable, AND EFFICIENT. i'LL CERTAINLY USE THESE FOLKS ON MY NEXT AUTO MOVE AND HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF OUR CAR CLUBS.