
Ashleigh Dennis Submitted this review about Z Best Auto Shipping LLC
Review made Live: 12/13/2012 5:00:00 PM
I read his reviews and he had great reviews, So I thought he was good to go through. I was shipping 2 cars from Massachusetts to Washington State. I contacted him numerous times about my order. The last time I talked to him which was about 1 week before my car was due to ship to contact him about a date, he said he was working that out and he would get back to me asap. Never heard from him ever again. I called him four times after that and left a voice mail, my brother called him 3 times and left a voice mail as well. We got nothing, so we had a week to find someone else to ship our car with rates being sky high now due to such late notice!! My car is due to ship in 2 days and not 1 one phone call back from him saying anything!! Even a phone call just letting us know he couldn't find a truck would of been fine (we would of still been upset but at least I could of said he did contact us back)

I wouldn't recommend Mario to my worst enemy!