fantastic transportation!

David Submitted this review about Wheeler Shipping
Review made Live: 8/1/2008 6:46:00 PM
Initially, there were problems finding a carrier willing to transport my car. However, when I was willing to offer $100 more to the trucking companies (not to Sue, the broker fee was fixed from the get-go), my request was snatched up the very next day. So, if you're having problems getting a carrier to pick up your car, you may have to offer them more money. Money talks. Especially during the busy summer season.

Sue Wheeler (the BROKER who dealt with locating a carrier) was very courteous and handled everything professionally and promptly. She seemed to really know the ins and outs of the trucking business, and answered my questions thoroughly. As I said earlier, initially, no carriers were willing to pick up my car, despite Sue's many attempts. After I upped the carrier price, a carrier (A&D auto transport) picked up my offer very quickly, like i said earlier. Truck drivers were a bit delayed (my car was picked up at 11:30pm) because of a flat tire and problems with an undriveable vehicle earlier that day. However, my car was transported quickly (in 3 days, too quickly actually) from California to New Orleans, and then dropped off at a Thrifty Rental Car lot right next to the airport, one day before I was to arrive in NOLA. When I arrived the next day, I picked up my car from Thrifty (only $7.50/night storage fee), inspected my car for any damage (none that I could find), and then drove off into the city. Very convenient having it dropped off right next to the airport.

The drivers were in NOLA one day earlier than expected and supposed to deliver door-to-door, but it actually worked out better with the car being dropped off at the spacious Thrifty and me picking it up there the next day, instead of being dropped off at my place in busy and crowded Downtown.

The manager and truck drivers for A&D auto kept me updated during the entire transport. Called me when they were in Texas and when my car was dropped off at Thrifty, providing me with the address, cost, and phone number.

Having a broker is very helpful because they know which carriers are consistently reputable and which carriers use certain routes frequently. Without Sue, I wouldn't know which carrier to go with.

Both Sue (the broker), and A&D Auto (the carrier) did a great job with my car transport and I highly recommend them.