Re: Principle of it

Geoff Cravillion Submitted this review about Webster Services (No longer in business)
Review made Live: 8/26/2009 4:01:00 PM
Hello, I have to apologize for leaving a bad review with Webster services. I did not understand all that went into moviing a vehicle. Wayne was good to work with and was quite honest with me. Please note that anytime you ship a vehicle it depends on someone else deciding to pick it up. I went ahead and decided to pay a hunded dollars more to have the process move faster but again it all depends on the availability of drivers. I would reccomend being patient and knowing the facts before you decide to move a vehicle expect 7-14 business days. Thanks and sorry Wayne! God Bless

Company Response
Wayne Webster from Webster Services (No longer in business) Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/26/2009 4:17:00 PM
We Strive to take care of our customers and explain how the process works. Some instances there can be misunderstandings. We know this, so we do what we can to make things right with our customers. Thanks and God Bless. Wayne Webster