Threatened to break my neck

ahalyaa Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 10/25/2011 10:36:00 AM
He has offered $675 to deliver the vehicle and kept $225 to as service charge and offering the carrier $450 only. Initially 2 carriers contacted him but when i called, he wanted more money without even contacting the carrier. I had to remind him about the carrier , which then he called and they accepted and i was uncomfortable with the experience, i told him i would give him moderate review. He then calls me and was abusive with all "F" bombs, screaming over the phone and threatened me to break my neck. I promptly cancelled my service with him and the carrier.I have notified appropriate authorities to ensure my safety. Most carriers won't charge upfront commission until the car picked up and he is opposite to this and had to talk to my credit card company to stop the payment since the order was cancelled even before pickup.


Company Response
Bill Avrich from Transport Connection Submitted this response.
Response Date: 12/8/2011 12:22:00 PM
Subject: Threatened to breathe on me without using mouthwash - First and foremost, there were no threats whatsoever directed towards this extremely cheap and nasty indvidual who does not even have the courage and decency to identify himself by using his real name. It is Murali Mandava of Ozark, MO, and he speaks with a forked tongue. Of course, we defy him to prove any of his false accusations and it is unfortunate that he must fabricate outrageous lies in retaliation for not receiving an undeserved refund. Not only do his baseless remarks reek of slander, they are inconsistent with every single other review posted on our profile...nearly one thousand of them to be precise. If his lovely work of nonsense even slightly hinted at the truth, wouldn't there have been other similar incidents mentioned here? Nice try, Murali Mandava...but too bad it didn't work. Besides, with an alias like ahalyaa, you can't really expect to have too much credibility, can you? But we will give you credit for having a very creative imagination. Remember that there are two sides to every story and Transport Reviews in all fairness allows each company to respond to its now it's our turn: It is interesting to note that this reviewer, Murali Mandava, is not really the actual customer. The customer is his friend, Srinivas Dukkipati. Murali Mandava was acting as an agent and attempting to profit from his friend's vehicle shipping costs by bird-dogging a part of our broker's fee. Well that didn't happen. The vehicle in question was a brand new 2012 Lexus RX350 being shipped from a Lexus dealership in Alexandria, VA to Srinivas Dukkipati in Canton, MI. It was dispatched without issue on 10-24-11 to an excellent carrier, Gettysburg Auto Transport. The scheduled pickup date was 10-27-11. No reminders were needed...we do our job well. Only several hours after receiving the carrier's contact information did this malcontent Murali Mandava demand an additional broker's fee discount, with the threat of an order cancellation and a negative review if we did not oblige. The discount was denied and and a cancellation request was then made by Murali Mandava, but only after the carrier had already been assigned and dispatched to pick up the vehicle, and the deal effectively brokered with both parties' information having been exchanged. The broker was now vulnerable to being cut out of the deal, therefore no refund was due the customer. The carrier did confirm later in the day that they were contacted directly by Murali Mandava who offered them $400 and told them to just eliminate the broker from the deal and go pick up the vehicle anyway. They advised him that they had a contract with us and that they would not betray us and bite the hand that feeds them. Sweet. As you can see by his snide remark, he begrudges us our well-earned broker fee of $225 that we received as per contractual agreement between all involved parties. He also criticizes the agreed upon carrier pay of $450 as being too low, yet he only offered them $400 when he tried to go behind our back. Is Murali Mandava an authority on broker and carrier fees? Not hardly. But he is a hypocrite. The broker/carrier fee arrangement or split has absolutely no bearing on the overall price which is negotiated between the broker and the carrier. The customer must still pay the same amount regardless of who gets what slice of the pie. This happened to be one of our regular carriers and the total price of $675 given to the customer was substantially less than the going rate for his route and even $50 less than his initial quote from us. A real Brooklyn bargain. And at no time were any additional monies requested for this job. We don't operate that way. So what's the real issue here? It is a clear case of buyer's remorse, combined with duplicity, and vindictiveness. Like an angry little child not getting its way, Murali Mandava spews venom in retaliation for our refusal to knuckle under to his demands: first for a bird-dog so that he can pocket some of his friend's money behind his back, then trying unsuccessfully to cut us out of the deal completely by canceling and working directly with the carrier (whom he insults with a low-ball offer) to save himself the entire broker's fee. So basically he tried to screw both the broker and the carrier, as well as his friend. Shame on you, Murali Mandava! We will not be bullied nor intimidated by the threat of any bad review into issuing an unwarranted discount or refund, or changing our standard company policies. Our loyal carriers will not betray us. Our unparalleled record of successful jobs and customer satisfaction in this industry speaks for itself. We will win the impending credit card dispute because we have all of the necessary documentation to support our case. This was not the actual customer, let alone a repeat customer. This was a swindler who got caught in the act, and chose to retaliate by slinging mud on this forum. By the way, what is an F-bomb...some sort of new secret military weapon based on flatulence? 12/07/11 NEWS FLASH UPDATE: Transport Connection has won the credit card dispute against this crooked customer! 12-07-2011 Transport Connection Boca Raton, FL 33487 Dear Merchant: 498764136001753 This is to inform you of a credit processed to your account. This credit is in response to your dispute of the charge back item listed below. Date of Transaction Cardholder Number Amount Sequence Number Reason code 10-21-2011 546616******3724 225.00 0311301500256 4855 Sincerely, Merchant Services Chargeback Department Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203