First Class Service

JCN II Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 11/28/2006 1:40:00 PM
This was the first time to ship a car. It was a long trip, Upper Michigan to Tucson , Arizona.
Much research was done before Specialty Mobile was selected. The carrier arrived on time for pickup at an agreed location near my residence. (Restrictions prevented carrier getting to residence). Carrier was clean and polished. Dan, the driver was clean, neat and personable. He told me he had two more cars to loan, then back to the office. He said it would be 6 days for delivery in Tucson. As I was not going to be there to take delivery, I had a representative available. 5 days later, Dan contacted my representative and made delivery in Tucson. The car arrived in perfect condition.

Would I ship a car again with Specialty Mobile, absolutely !. Will I ship my car wehen I return to Michigan, absolutely !. With Specialty Moblie, absolutely ! Specialty Mobile is slightly more expensive, but worth the difference in the manner they handlledthe contract. Excellent experience !!