Life Savers

Stacey Submitted this review about Silva Auto Transport
Review made Live: 4/13/2005 8:24:00 PM
Let me start off by saying that Silva has restored my faith in the transportation industry. I had originally signed up with another company but after 3 weeks of getting jerked around by them I started looking around for another company and that is how I found Silva Auto Transport. They let me know my options and made me feel comfortable yet still alittle hesitant. I read their contract filled it out and let it go from there. After 5 days of waiting, I got a call from Silva letting me know they found a carrier and that my car was going to get picked up the next day. They were right, about 2 hours later a carrier called me andset up the schedule for the next day. From then on things went great............. I now have a restored faith in the transportation industry and know where to go next time I need my vehicle shipped. Thank you Silva Auto you are life savers.