Vehicle Trasport

Ray Damesek Submitted this review about Riley Auto Transport
Review made Live: 7/25/2010 7:00:00 PM
I was given a pickup date range of three or four days but the vehicle was picked up in the afternoon of the very first day. After speaking with the driver on the phone and when he arrived to pick up the vehicle, I was so impressed, I gave him a $50 cash tip on the spot.

The vehicle was scheduled to be delivered on July 27th. It was actually delivered two days early on July 25th. This was supposed to be COD but since no one was available to receive delivery until July 27th, after a few phone calls back and forth, the driver left the vehicle (with the keys) and took my word that a check would be sent out immediately (it was) to arrive on July 29th.

I was so impressed again with the honesty and care the driver gave my vehicle, I sent him another $50 tip. I got great service by a very courteous, professional, and caring driver and I would definitely use this company again.