
Bailey Submitted this review about Reindeer Auto Relocation
Review made Live: 7/24/2013 8:26:00 AM
This company is terrible. They have no knowledge of transporting vehicles. They operate on more of "we'll wing it as we go along" type of service. I should have known that the service would be terrible. On average they are either 1 out of 5 stars on every review website that I have found so far.

My vehicle was being shipped to Bermuda. The route of travel was Charlotte-Jacksonville, FL-Bermuda. Well they picked up the vehicle from Charlotte late then the shipping of my vehicle was delayed by about a month with Jacksonville US Customs because they had NO IDEA how to get the vehicle through US Customs. They didn’t know what paperwork was needed. They should have known the process if they are in fact "relocation specialists". But they didn't. I had to do all of the US Customs work on my own even though I paid them to do it.

Once the vehicle finally made it to Bermuda I noticed there were some damages to the vehicle and it was extremely dirty!! I called Reindeer and I was told that since they didn’t have any affiliates here to just find a place on my own... get a receipt and send it in. Well this wasn’t something I could do in one day due to my work schedule. I submitted my claim a few days later and I was told that since a few days had passed since delivery of the vehicle they could no longer reimburse me.

DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY FOR YOUR OWN SAKE!!! Use only if they are half the price as their competitors.

Company Response
Michelle Murray from Reindeer Auto Relocation Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/2/2013 4:23:00 PM
In response, the shipper (Mr. Bailey) did not have original title, so he supplied copy of lien letter and copy of title from his credit union. Customs in Jacksonville requested title (front and back) be certified a true copy. Credit Union had issues getting back of title certified, as they did not have a copy of the back of the title. Mr. Bailey reached out to Jacksonville Customs Border Patrol and Jacksonville CBP was going to allow vehicle to ship out of there. Ship line notified Reindeer that vehicle had to go out of Fernandina Beach instead of Jacksonville. Fernandina Beach CBP would not accept copies of title unless certified, and Mr. Bailey was unable to get Fernandina Beach CBP to ship vehicle with non-certified copy of title and lien letter. Mr. Bailey had to pay off loan and was waiting for title to be processed. Certified title (front and back) would take extra time, since credit union had to send to shipper in Bermuda, and then Mr. Bailey would send to Reindeer. Mr. Bailey received certified copy of title, both sides, sent to us on 5/29, and vehicle was shipped out of Fernandina Beach on 6/1 and arrived at the port in Bermuda on 6/5. Bermuda CPB held the vehicle up with exams and tests, and vehicle was finally released and delivered on 6/18, one day past our delivery date. Mr. Bailey failed to have all of the proper documents that we requested prior to shipping his vehicle. The car arrived 1 day outside the normal delivery spread. As for the claim, we were notified of this 5 days after the car arrived. Mr. Bailey claimed a dirty interior and rust stains and scratches in the wheel wells. We denied the rust stains and scratches as this was not transit related damage. Reindeer offered a good will of picking up half the cost of the interior detail which was $187.50.