Worst customer service experience

Amanda Ellis Submitted this review about Pyramid Transport
Review made Live: 8/21/2007 10:35:00 PM
This company was the company that All-America Transport (www.aaat.com--terrible company as well) brokered with to transport my car. My original transporter called at the last minute to cancel and I needed to have my car picked up within 5 days. AAAT assured me that my car would be picked up and arrive in California within 7 to 10 days, as I had told them I needed a company that would promise me the arrival date, even if it cost more. My car was to be picked up on Friday, January 13, 2006. I stayed home all day to wait for the pickup and finally tried to find out what happened about 4 pm. I was told my car would be picked up on Sunday, January 15. Sunday came and I got a call that they did not want to pick up that day due to a storm that had come in. I explained that Monday was my last day in New York and my car had to be picked up. Nick from the company came late Sunday afternoon.

I arrived in California and waited a week, after 10 days had passed, and called Pyramid about where my car was. I was told that due to a driver that had quit, my car was being held. When I asked where, the dispatcher Ed told me that "due to 9/11 security concerns" I could not be told where my car was. I got ahold of the broker, AAAT, and they called the owner of Pyramid Transport, Paul Faggiani. Paul told me my car was in Georgia and he would personally be driving my car across the country to California. He promised me he would call me every few days to let me know where he was at and that he would return a portion of my deposit ($200 deposit). I waited another 5 days or so (over a weekend) and then called the company again. I spoke with Ed. He told me that Paul was not driving my car across country and when I wanted to leave a message for Paul, Ed said he wouldn't take it. I started calling about every 3 days and each time, my car was 3 days away from me in LA. This went on for about 2 weeks. I got a call at 6:30 am one Tuesday, three weeks and two days after my car was picked up, that the driver was in town and did not know how to get to me. This was my first time in LA, I was staying alone and couldn't assist, so I told him to call his company for directions. He called me back to tell me he couldn't my car to me, although I had paid for door to door service, and that I had to get a cab to meet him somewhere to pick up my car. I wasn't going to meet a strange man in an unknown area of an unknown city to get my car so I told him this wasn't going to happen. The driver, Michael, began to scream into the phone at me and I told him he couldn't speak to like that and he said "I will speak to you any way I want". I hung up on him and called the company to tell them that I will not accept delivery from this driver due to his abuse over the phone. At this point, I was assured I would receive my car later that day, a Tuesday, another deadline that wasn't even close to being met. The car was delivered to another local delivery service and I received the car two days later, a full 26 days from the date of the pickup. I called several times to leave a message for Paul, the owner, about the return of some of my deposit and he never responded.

I wanted to give the companies involved an opportunity to set the matter straight so I wrote letters to the broker, AAAT and Pyramid Transport. I did not get responses. I contacted the Better Business Bureau for each company. The responses of each of these companies to their respective BBBs involved lies and denials about what occurred. They refused to make any restitution nor to admit that there was a problem. I was going to initiate a claim in small claims court, but I had moved back to the west coast because of a chronic illness, and I was unable to travel. In response to my letters to Pyramid after the BBB responded, someone was hired to specifically respond to my letters, instead of returning a portion of the deposit as promised.

I was mistreated by every person I spoke with at this company, with the glaring exception of Nick, who was kind to me on the phone and was trying to help me get my car after 24 days had already passed. I sent letters to the owner's, Paul Faggiani, attention and he never responded, which seemed very cowardly. This company does not know how to handle customer service and I hope that anyone who reads this will not use this company. Please contact me for any evidence of what is written above. And please do not use this company. There are many other companies who have excellent review records and for the extra bit of money, you will receive your car on time and in good condition, unlike how this company does business.