BEWARE of Subcontracting

Scott Meit Submitted this review about Professional Vehicle Shipping
Review made Live: 5/19/2008 1:11:00 PM
I wish to be fair. My vehicle transport was arranged thru Professional Vehicle Shipping. They have been pleasant. This noted, CONSUMER BEWARE that the final service you get (e.g. whether your vehicle arrives damaged or not and whether the subcontracted carrier makes good on what you note as damage on the paperwork) is ONLY as good as whomever Professional Vehicle Shipping gives the business to!

Professional Vehicle Shipping is a broker (a middle man who identifies carriers to transport your vehcile). The carrier they set up for me was B&B out of Bowling Green, OHIO (Bill Stokes, owner).

My new 2008 Toyota Truck arrived with a small dent in a lower rear panel. The Toyota dealership has sent official paper work (which I forwarded to Mr. Stokes) declaring that the truck did not leave their lot in such condition. And, Professional Vehicle Shipping? Well, they have made several calls to B&B requesting that they make good on the claim. B&B refuses. So, I'm kind of SOL, aren't I?

So, I know I did not get good service from B&B. Did I get good service from Professional Vehicle Shipping? You be the judge. - SSM