I’m quiet sure the good reviews are fake. Check out reviews on other platforms, I’ve been through the exact same thing as most with them. They give you one price. They ONLY accept payments in which it’s difficult to get a refund (Zelle, cashapp etc). try to rush you to sign contract without reading, then the day before tell you their driver canceled. THERE NEVER WAS A DRIVER! They then tell you they found someone but they are charging what was a little MORE than DOUBLE the cost, because at this point they think you’re desperate and make it seem like they’re doing you a favor! They then try to hold on to your deposit if you go elsewhere. Unluckily for them I read over the contract and asked them to clarify the terms that says something about prices may increase at the time of appointing a driver. I had in writing and recording that it WAS the time of appointing the driver and prices will not increase. They initially tried to hold on to my deposit saying they know their contract very well ?? that was until I screen shot that I asked them to clarify that part & they reiterate that prices will not increase. I also informed them I had a voice recording of said conversation as they called to clarify as well. They still tried to keep my deposit until I threaten a class action suit, threatened to report them to BBB, threatened to report their license, threatened to hit them with the bill of having to rent a car for the week due to their dishonest practices plus losing wages from missing work due to having plans of having my car. If it weren’t for all of this they would’ve held on to my deposit. These people are disgusting slimes.
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