Did not pickup vehicle

Richard Norris Submitted this review about Nationwide Auto Transporters Inc.
Review made Live: 8/24/2008 8:34:00 PM
I wish I had found this website prior to chosing an auto transporter--I would have selected differently. Anyway, after speaking with Sean at Nationwide, I felt comfortable choosing them to transport my wife's car. They quoted $1050 total for the compact car and wanted $150 deposit. The car was supposed to be picked up the end of July, 2008, prior to my driving the U-haul across country. It was not picked up, so my wife stayed for an additional week waiting for the pickup which never came. After she flew to Oregon, we left the car with her mother.
I received a call from Nationwide (Octavius) saying that due to the cost of diesel no trucker would pickup the vehicle unless we raised the price from $1050 to $1495. Since I had received several other quotes between $1000 and $1250, I explained that I did not think that was fair. But, I would consider going up another $200 if they thought that would get the car shipped. So they upped the price to $1250 and we waited another week and still no shipment.
They called again wanting to raise the price but I was not interested. Since three weeks had already passed, they agreed to cancel the contract and issue a refund of the deposit. They were always pleasant on the phone and they did issue a prompt refund, but I believe they submitted a lowball bid with the intention of increasing it once they obtained a deposit.
Subsequently, I have spoken with several of these auto transport brokers and believe most of them are of questionable veracity.