worst experience ever

jcl Submitted this review about Nationwide Auto Transporters Inc.
Review made Live: 7/18/2008 2:00:00 PM
Contracted them in June and when the car actually arrive at the dock in San Diego, CA, they still have not found anyone to pick up the car. They already took all the $1150 on my credit card and was very fortunate that I was able to dispute the charge for service not rendered. It was the worst experience ever in my life. I would definitely not recommend anyone to this company. I would have incurred a lot of storage fee on my car if I didn't have any connection with my recent job. I canceled the contract with Nationwide and had to find someone else to do the job which took me almost the whole day. It was such a horrible experience. They would not even return call. I had to keep calling them. Thank God I found Five Star Nationwide Carrier to do the service.