Didn't Move My Car

Maureen Submitted this review about Move On Time
Review made Live: 8/8/2008 12:46:00 PM
I was contacted by Leroy around the end of May he stated that there would be a truck coming through Northern California to pick up my car and deliver it to Philadelphia. The estimated arrival would be the following week. I contacted my mother letting her know that a truck would be coming...it never came. What ensued was six weeks of my contacting Leroy every day; he would respond with information that a truck would be coming and it would never come. My mother and I both has to postpone vacations because we were given information that lead us to believe that a truck would be picking up my car. I asked Leroy constantly if I was paying too little for the carriers to want to pick up my car, he stressed that it was more than enough money and that no one was picking up cars from Northern California. Leroy, while patient with fielding my calls eventually failed to return any of my phone calls and left me feeling like they weren't doing everything they could to get someone to pick up my car. I later learned that Move On Time like many other moving companies are merely brokering agents and do not have access to their own fleet of cars, they post listings on an internet website and hope that a carrier has a cancellation, are in the area and willing to pick up a car well below their going rate for transport. I was very understanding in the beginning of this process - noting that summer is high season for moving as well as rising gas prices. When days stretched into weeks and weeks into months I basically gave up any hope I had in Leroy and his team. I contacted another moving company and for a little bit more money my car was picked up in 3 days from when I first contacted them, my rep did not ask for a deposit until she had secured an actual truck with confirmation from the driver that they would be picking up the car. The car was delivered a week later and in great condition.

BUT that doesn't end my story with Move On Time...I asked for my deposit back since they had failed to move my car. They refused to answer my e-mails; they refused to return my phone calls. I only received my deposit back when I informed them that I had informed my bank's Dispute Department and that they would be investigating Move On Time. I received my deposit back minus a 50 dollar "fee", which is not stated explicitly on the contract they ask you to sign, but buried in their website. I finally recieved a response from Gil which was basically unreadable.

So don't use Move On Time unless you have an incredible amount of patience. Frankly after this experience you do get what you pay for...the cheapest is definitely not the best in this case.

Company Response
leroy bruton jr from Move On Time Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/15/2008 1:56:00 PM
This customer knew every step we took, as we called her to pick up the car of course some carriers were asking for more becuase there are alot of carriers on that route, long story short, broker or carrier ,if there is no one there to pick up the car it doenst matter how much you pay ,that is this case, so when she booked with another broker they looked like heros becuase after she booked with them a carrier was in the area.