No service provided

Julia Submitted this review about Move On Time
Review made Live: 10/12/2007 1:23:00 PM
This company never called me after I gave the 200$ deposit. I had to call the day of pick up to find out what was going on, they said the driver broke down. I had to call every single day to figure out what was happening, and then I decided to go with another company. As soon as I told Gill at Move on Time about this he immediatly told me, "wait wait wait, I can have a driver there in three hours." Feeling betrayed and aggrivated with this information I demanded my money back. There was no apparent problem, except I never got it back. I had to go through my bank in order for them to give it back. After three weeks of nonsense my final call to Gill was rude and rediculous. He told me he didn't appreciate me and that if I had a lawyer that I should use him and not to call again. I hope the reprocussions of their actions bite them in the ass.