Shipping Via Magic Carpet Auto Transport - Long Beach, CA to Lihue, HI

Jim Hesterly Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/24/2009 8:47:00 PM
I've shipped vehicles to Hawaii and other domestic points many times in the past, but had not encountered Magic Carpet Auto Transport. I found them on the Internet. My first calls there were handled quickly and professionally. Their prices were slightly less than shipping directly with Matson, who I've used in the past.

I delivered the vehicle to Matson on Friday the 31st of July, 2009 Magic Carpet Auto Transport promised delivery by 8/26/09. The vehicle was delivered on August 20th. A friend of mine in Lihue picked up the vehicle and there was some. Matson called him to say the vehicle was ready for pick up. When he arrived, there was some administrative problem and a short delay in betting the vehicle. A phone call from Matson to MCAT got the issue straightened out quickly. There was no damage to the vehicle.

Both Kathy (my main contact) and Nicole responded to every email and phone call I made with a very helpful and friendly attitude. Everyone else I spoke to at MCAT was always helpful and quick to respond.

My order/Tracking number was 261649. The price for shipping the truck (a 1991 Izusu Trooper0 from Long Beach to Lihue, HI was $1050. This was a port to port shipment. Going to Matson directly (they handled the shipment for MCAT) would have cost slightly more. I have already told a friend who's thinking about shipping a vehicle to use MCAT.