Pick-up & Delivery

Raymond wilson Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/24/2009 7:47:00 PM
My auto was supposed to be picked up on July 6th. The arrangements were made and confirmed on or about July 1st. When I hung up the phone with Magic Carpet, the phone rang and it was the truck drived who was supposed to pick up the car on the 6th. He stated that he wanted to pick it up NOW. The caller ID gave a company name other than who Magic Carpet contracted with. I told the driver that the car couldn't be picked up until the 6th and he said I'll see you early on the 6th.

At about 3pm on the 6th, no one had come to pick up the car. I called Magic Carpet and asked what was going on. Crystal said everything is fine, I'll make a call and see what the delay is. She called back about 5pm and stated that the people she had contracted with are no longer approved and she would find me another carrier. The next day I was contacted by Crystal and told that the car would now be picked up on the 10th.

My car was supposed to arrive in Hilo , Hawaii about the 27th or 28th of July. The car didn't show up until Aug 12th. This delay cost me more than $500 in car rental fees The car did arrive in good shape. I won't be using Magic Carpet again.