Great Experience!!!!!

Alan Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/3/2008 2:35:00 PM
I have to say how pleased I was with Magic Carpet and Cars Across the USA transport. Stephanie understood my desperate need to get a car to my son in college in time for him to drive to class. The schedule was impossibly tight, less than a week. Not only did she find me a truck immediately, but the driver was nice, incredibly helpful, and dropped the car off three days early!! I couldn't have asked for a better experience and at a great cost! Also, I did all this from out of town! They worked with me, the driver was patient when he couldn't reach anyone for almost an hour at various phone numbers, and even dropped off the car to my son anyway when the payment wouldn't arrive by FEDEX until the following day. Wow! My hats off to Stephanie and the people at Magic Carpet. It's hard to find people nowadays who not only do what they say they'll do, but go above and beyond expectation. THANK YOU.