M2 Reeves, great job!

Charles Ware Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 8/7/2008 2:37:00 PM
After searching for numerous companies to ship my 2 cars, a Volvo S40 and an Infiniti Q45 from Kansas City, MO to Las Vegas, NV, I was still a little hesitant to even do it so I changed my mind and decided to drive. As I was mapping out the drive and realizing that it would take at least 2 1/2 -3 days to drive I decided to call one more company based on the reviews on this website www.transportreviews.com. Out of the companies who had top reviews M2 Reeves looked like the most legit one based on customer satisfaction, pick up and drop off time, and pricing. So I got a quote online and was immediately sent one back from Katie. I decided to call her to get the "in person" scoop on what shipping a car details. I had the usual questions , why is pickup estimated at 4-7 days and why is delivery 7-14 days. Katie told me at that time that my car would be delivered 4-5 days after pickup. I was happy with that as other companies could not come close to saying that.

I want to start this next paragraph off by asking the reader to keep in mind that M2 Reeves did an excellent job and provided excellent customer service. However they are a broker and can not control the actions of who they hire...so here comes the bad part. As you all know M2 Reeves is a broker, which some people say not to use but it actually is ok to use a broker. In being a broker they hired companies to pick up, transport and drop off your car. In this instance the company they hired was BAM Trucking. I dont have a really nice or politically correct way to put this but they are unprofessional idiots. My car was to be picked up from them on Friday, July 25th from Kansas City, MO for an estimated drop off in Las Vegas, NV on Thursday, July 31st. Which did happen. It was the process to get it to happen which caused me frustration. One of my bosses told me to always be prepared for something to go wrong when you are moving cross country so I was prepared but not for blantently stupidity.

The dispatcher from BAM trucking called me at 8:48 AM on Fridy, July 25th to tell me that they were on their way and that they were in between Columbia,MO and Kansas City, MO which is about 70-75 miles from my home of Lee's Summit, MO. They then called at 10:43 AM and asked if they could come pick the cars up either late Saturday or Sunday morning. I asked why and he wouldn't give me a reson, only that, "the driver is held up and having problems". So my problem with this is, because we think our cars are going to be gone, I rented 2 cars. One for my wife to get to work and one for us to use until we actually leave until next Wednesday, July 30th. So I asked him what I should do about the $300 extra that I am spending on 1-2 days of extra car rentals when I could have just used my own cars if he wasnt going to be here to pick them up on time, and he had no answer. So I decided to call M2 Reeves and they set them straight they called BAM Trucking and told them that they must come pick up my cars today. At 11:41 AM BAM Trucking called to say they would be here in an hour and half which would have made them here at 1:30 PM or so my time. At 2:00 I called BAM Trucking and asked them where they were and they replied that, "we are an hour and a half away." That would have made them in my area at 2:30-3:00 PM. At 3:45 PM that same day my wife calls me and say they still havent show up what should we do. Mind you now they called and said they were going to be at my house around 10:45 AM or so and it is now 3:45 PM and I have been sitting at home with 4 cars in my possession. At 4:08 PM my wife calls me back to tell me that they have shown up and that they are up the street and she wife had to drive each of the cars up to them for them to load. My wife said that although the driver was very hard to understand he was nice and did a seemingly good job.

Fast forward to delivery.

Our cars started for transport to Las Vegas on Monday, July 28th and BAM Shipping tld me taht I probably would get my car on Wednesday, July 27th. BAM Trucking called me at 12:03 PM on Thursday, July 28th to tell me that the driver would be dropping our cars off today and would be in the Las Vegas area in about 3-4 hours. I received a phone call and voice mail from BAM Trucking at 5:16 PM the same day stating that they were 100 miles out of Las Vegas. Now it is 8:15 PM more than 4 hours from the original drop off time and I still haven't heard from anyone at BAM. At 9:43 PM I received a call from the BAM Trucking dispatcher that said they driver was at a Food For Less grocery store on Durango.Well in Las Vegas there is not Food For Less grocery store on Durango and so after arguing that FACT with the dispatcher thru the driver I decided to drive to where the cars are SUPPOSSED to be dropped or which is Flamingo. I drive to my business address and lo and behold there is the driver with the 8 cars on the rack with one pulled off and our 2 cars ready to go. What a rejoicing moment.

I don't necessarily care about the fact that they, the drivers, are going to be late in delivering the cars, as it is apparent that this is a commonality in the car shipping business. This is about delivering a service that was promised and paid for. I wouldn't mind if at 12:03 PM they called to tell me that they are 3-4 hours away and then call me at say 5-6 PM to say, "We can't make the drop tonight, can we come in the morning" I would be alright with that.