Full Service Move Quote Completely Ignored

Cecil Submitted this review about Highway Moving
Review made Live: 6/27/2007 3:54:00 PM
To say the company was unprofessional would actually be paying it a compliment and that is not my intent at all.

The person in sales after being provide documentation to include a listing and approximate cubic feet and estimated weight to be 7,259 pounds gave me a "Full Service Move" price of $3,850. The "actual weight" of the contents according to the truck scale weight was 10,300 pounds. A marked increase from the estimated weight and bear in mind the mover did not move a refrigerator, stove, washer nor dryer.

The "Sales Consultant" and I agreed upon the issuance of a Purchase Order and that upon completion of the delivery a check would be written and mailed to Highway Moving. The crew arrived at the residence 4 1/2 hours late, demanded cash to purchase wrapping materials with and informed the individual that she was expected to to give the workers a 15% tip both ways. I was never provided an explanation of what the extra charge was for. All I could get was from her supervisor was that the poor soul "was just a sales person".

She did not provide the tip.

Loading according to the owner was very stressful. The owner has to continually ask the workers near the end of the load process to load the rest of the items on the patio. That was reluctantly done and left approximately 20 % of the rear end of the truck bed empty.

After lthe load was complete the owner was informed that the truck was going back to North Carolina (their home base) and would remain there until payment was made in advance of the delivery, totally different from the agreement between myself and the Sales Consultant.

When I spoke with the Dispatcher he informed me that he ran the company and that not only was he requiring full payment before the shipment but that under federal regulations he had 21 days to make the delivery. He IS the most unprofessional operator that I have had to deal with in more than 30 years of professional life.

I had done internet research on this company and found nothing negative, only good reviews on their website. In fact their website states that "We never rely on hidden charges or low-ball estimates to sell our service!". What a crock.

This is absolutely the worst moving experience I am familiar with. I highly recommend that anyone contemplating the services of this company, immediately look to another vendor.

Hindsight is 20/20. Maybe this review will help save some poor unsusspecting individual from being caught in the same trap.