Wow... I was impressed

Layla Sharief Submitted this review about Franks Automobile Shipping & Transport
Review made Live: 7/2/2010 4:35:00 PM
After all the bad reviews and stories from customers with other auto transporters I was very nervous about this industry, but what can you do when you need to ship..... I was impressed with Frank's Auto Shipping. They were extremely prompt and detailed in their email communications and even phoned me once to verify receipt of forms. And wow, what a turnaround time. Granted only going from Oregon to Cali, but it was complete in less than 48 hours. NO headaches, no hassles.
The carrier that Franks contracted with was very detailed and polite, even helped push the car to where it needed to go.
I would definately use this company again and recommend them to any friends or family (or internet folks).