Poor communication

KK Submitted this review about Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/2/2008 3:43:00 PM
I booked this move on Aug 20th after reviewing an Aug 16th quote. I was told on the 20th that they would start working on placing my vehicle with a truck the very next day. The following Monday, Aug 25th, I was told it had just been put on the "board" and no truck had been assigned, but that in a couple of days they would start making outbound calls. I called many times finally asking to escalate my call to a manager, the manager was "out of his office", and I was told he would call me back... a half hour later my wife called me to say that Linsy had called and said the car was being picked up that afternoon... this was Friday, August 29th. I had to call the car dealership to confirm... the car wasn't picked up on Friday, but was picked up on Saturday Morning, the 30th. I never did receive a call from a manager. The driver did call me as he was asked to and I was able to meet him at the drop off destination the next day, the driver was great, the car was handled well, I just wish there would have been more straight talk and better communication from Express Auto Transport. In the end it all ended well, but next time I'll try someone else... I need good communication and I don't feel I got it here; all of the communication was driven by me, and only after I got angry did things happen.