Delivery Customer Service Comments

Peggy Submitted this review about Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/23/2008 1:06:00 AM
I reached TOmmi and asked her to confirm the earliest pickup and delivery so that I could get a car to its destimation for a 25th year anniversary gift...I had another company as a potential carrier and I had to call them back in 2 hours to confirm or I would lose that option...she said give me an hour and I will get back to you and see if I can get the car to you earler. She called me back as promised, found a carrier for the car and the car was delivered early in perfect condition. Contact along the way of the delivery were as agreed. I also found the rates that were offered for a closed carrier were the best I found and the car arrived in one-third of the time of the other carriers. I appreciate the steps Tommi took to provide excellent customer service.