Waiting for refund

Quality Automotive Submitted this review about Evergreen Auto Transport
Review made Live: 12/13/2011 2:18:00 PM
Hired evergreen on 11-7-11 their order #1090762. At the time of order they would not take a credit card, only an E-check which they processed the same day for $831.00. At time of order we let them know that we would be charged storage fees in about a week from Co-part auctions if the vehicle wasn't picked up. After numerous calls checking status of pick up only to be told they could not find a transporter yet, we cancelled on11-16-11 our order and found a transporter on our own, within a day. There contract clearly shows that they have 30 days from the cancellation date to send out a refund and since we cancelled on 11-16-11, I guess we will wait patiently for the refund. I do find it odd though that they can take you're money the same day electronically and yet make you wait 30 days for you're refund! After having seen several alarming reviews on this site regarding problem return payments, I have tried to call their 1-800-381-8546 number several times today and after trying to get the accounting dept.(left message not returned yet) the dispatch dept.(not answered) the place an order dept.(not answered) hitting 0 to find the operator(not answered and tried to leave a message but the mailbox said it was full! I am getting alarmed but hope the outcome of this is good, I will post what happens and timing to this site upon conclusion.

Company Response
Amy from Evergreen Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 12/18/2011 6:19:00 AM
If you are owed money and have not heard from us please email us at eatcustomerservice@gmail.com. We are very sorry this happened.