Stay away from this company total rip off!!!

David Carter Submitted this review about Elite Moving and Storage
Review made Live: 10/24/2012 4:59:00 PM
this companys idea of med size is so crazy its not funny, the box sizes are not realistic and you will pay more when they come to pick up your things. sent only two men for long haul, i had more of a mvoing crew than they did there. the movers took nothing out of the house by themselves only had to load the truck all was brought to them. i asked about a discount since the movers werent much of a crew at all and i got 100 off of a 3000 bill, big whup. and when the delivery happened they only sent one guy to do what two guys couldnt do in the first place, the customer service rep was good but the dispatcher sucks at english and her job. said she spoke to a manager about getting a cheaper rate but wasnt gone long enough off the phone to ask anyone. if u want ot be ripped off then choose this company. next time i'll move it myself