ECAT run by incompetents

Russ Aborn Submitted this review about East Coast Auto Transport (MC#296071)
Review made Live: 5/31/2022 2:39:00 PM
I dropped my car at their Fort Myers airport terminal at 9am Wednesday 5/18. It was supposed to be at their Foxboro MA terminal within 4-7 days. (About 1400 miles) Today at noon, (7 days and 3 hours later) I got a call saying the truck is broken down in MD and won’t arrive in Foxboro until Saturday and of course they’re closed over the weekend and Monday is a holiday so I “probably” can pick it up Tuesday. I booked it with them in February and paid by check which they cashed quick enough. They had the money and at least seven weeks to come up with a plan but it was too much for them. They were overmatched. How can it take 36 hours to go from MD to MA, roughly 400 mile? Don’t ask because they’ll lie to you. These people stink at their job and are liars to boot.