Mark Minicozzi Submitted this review about Direct Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/6/2008 6:57:00 PM
I am writing this review to hopefully protect everyone from Direct Express Autotransport. I had my Truck transported from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Scottsdale, Arizona at the end of the month of June 2008. When I received my truck later that week it was completely damaged. ( $5899.26 of damage to be exact) Their Transport driver had ran my Truck into a bridge in Pennsylvania and continued on his transport. I was not contacted or made aware of the accident. When my truck was received, ( 1:15 AM IN THE MORNING) I was made aware that my truck had a small dent on the hood. ($ 5899.26 of damage= small dent) I called Direct Express Autotransport and they informed me that Mike, The owner " was too busy to speak to me, and did not have time to get back to me", that's a direct quote from customer service...... I tried to call several more times to speak with any kind of management at Direct Express Autotransport and was unsuccessful. This company made no effort to resolve any of the problems their service had caused me. They refused any refund of $950 I had paid...(not to mention the $5899.26 of damage to my truck.) I was out of a vehicle for over 5 weeks and had to rent a car out of my own pocket ($1000) THIS COMPANY DID NOTHING TO RESOLVE THIS ISSUE AND AVOIDS MY CALLS...DO NOT LET THEM TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU.....If you need any more information about how this company operates please feel free to e-mail me at minicozzim@aol.com. Thanks for your time and I hope this review will help you have a better transport experience than I did. Sincerely, Mark Minicozzi

Company Response
Mike Rupers from Direct Express Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 2/18/2009 3:24:00 PM
Mark fabricated his review. Within weeks of the mishap, Mark received from the insurance company nearly $6000, which was the estimate of damage. That makes his post a lie. He refuses to remove it even though he was reimbursed everything he was owed. Because Direct Express chose a carrier with sufficient insurance, Mark was taken care of properly. While we are sorry the event happened, we think Mark is being unethical in the false manner that he represents it here. Let readers in Pennsylvania, Arizona and elsewhere know that this is the sort of thing that Mark will do.