I70 should have been easy

Susan Submitted this review about Direct Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/3/2008 11:09:00 PM
The woman who took my order was very friendly and reassuring that all would be well.

I was afraid that the car would arrive in California before I did with the rental truck, so I drove it to Kansas City to leave with my sister. The pickup window for the car was to begin two days after I left with the truck.

They arranged with my sister to pick it up at 9:00 a.m. on Monday. The set-up man on the phone told her that the driver didn't speak much English so if she had questions, she should call him and he would interpret. I tried to call the set up man twice on Sunday and three times on Monday at the contact number, but no one answered.

I tried to call Direct Express Auto Tranfer on Monday morning, but continually was immediately put on hold. Once the person said, "can you please hold" and I said "no" to which she responded, "well, you're just going to have to." I wasn't interested in holding on a cell phone as I was going through the Rocky Mountains with limited continual coverage. I FINALLY got a call through in the mid-afternoon.

I told Mercedes at Direct Express that I had reservations about a non-English speaking driver and a set up person who did not answer his cell phone. Her response was that this is just the way it is and even if she located another hauler, it would be the same so what did I want to do? She wasn't outwardly rude, but she was short and had a disgusted tone of voice like I was bothering her.

The car was finally picked up on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. - the hauler couldn't quite get there when he was supposed to even after numerous set ups - they even wanted to meet at a shopping center parking lot and pick up the car after dark on Monday.

So, for those of you thinking of shipping your car: the broker is the one you initallly deal with. They will promise you the moon with extra twinkles. The actual person you are dealing with is the hauler, and you have no influence in determining who the broker will contract with. Try to find a broker that is open 7 days per week - call them early and call them often throughout the process. Good Luck.

Company Response
Mike Rupers from Direct Express Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 2/18/2009 3:26:00 PM
Susan of Kansas and California should have looked at our staff photo on our web site. We are proud to say that we are the melting pot of America and we work beautifully together. When a customer such as Susan demands to only have an english speaking driver, we are offended. The carrier she objected to has shipped many vehicles without incident, often going out of the way to do an especially good job. In fact, Susans particular vehicle was picked up early and will be delivered quickly. We think it appropriate that Susans attitude is displayed on the internet.