Indirect Express Auto Transport

Erika Submitted this review about Direct Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/3/2008 3:51:00 PM
Based on my experience this company is either amazingly incompetent or deceptive.

I called Direct Express Auto Transport in late June to arrange shipment of my SUV from CA to MA. Amanda at Direct Express was very nice and went through the process with me. She said my car would be picked up within 1 to 7 days as close to my home as possible and shipped shortly thereafter. She said I would receive an e-mail with the pickup information within 2 days. When I asked if she was sure this would happen so fast, Amanda assured me it would. Too good to be true! Then she proceeded to take a $150 deposit from me which came out of my account like the next day.

Lies, lies, all lies!! 7 days later I still hadn't heard anything. I called back and was told they were working on it. This went on for another week. No one I talked to had any info other than, we're working on it. I finally got fed up and cancelled my order. Then it was the same process trying to get my refund. I finally filed a complaint with BBB. Mike from the company responded to the complaint by saying I was told on a certain date that my refund was being issued. Funny, since the date he mentioned was the date I didn't actually talk to a human and left a voicemail message... He also got my name wrong. I recommend you do not do business with this company. Use a smaller transport company where you might pay more but will get much better service.

Company Response
Mike Rupers from Direct Express Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 2/18/2009 3:28:00 PM
Every once in a while we get personalities like Erika of Massachusetts. Erika booked her order to ship from Ca a few days before the 4th of July weekend, and then cancelled her shipment a few days after the 4th of July weekend. Which means she gave herself almost no opportunity to ship in that week as holidays are notoriously slow. Nobody told Erika that her vehicle would ship in two days - a total fabrication. Erika received her full refund but posted this negative review anyways, which says more about her than us. If she wants to have this on the internet, then we are okay with it too as our outstanding record speaks for itself.