Texas to Maryland in less then 4 days

J. Thomas Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 8/26/2008 11:32:00 AM
I bought a fullsize Chevy Blazer on ebay that was located in Dallas TX, I had originally planned on flying in and driving it back to Baltimore MD. But with $4.00 a gallon gas and a $200 plane ticket i deceided to have it shipped. I used DAS simply because they were recommended by ebay and i had never shipped a vehicle before. The truck was dropped off in Irving TX thursday 8/21 at approx. 11am , i was told by DAS that it would be in MD on 9/2. Monday around noon i deceided to track it just to see where it was. when seaching for their website i found this site and checked it out first. Needless to say after reading reviews i was very nervous and wondering if i had made a huge mistake in using DAS. Well after tracking my truck i was shocked to see that it was already at the terminal in Baltimore on 8/25, i called just to double check and it was in fact here. So i left work early and went to see it even though i could not pick it up until the next day (only because i did not have a ride lined up yet) and was very pleasently surprised. NO damage NO problems NOTHING stolen and VERY helpfull employees! I dont know if I just got lucky or if others have just been unlucky but my expeirence with DAS was great. About the only thing i could say negative was that they did not call me to tell me the truck was here untill late monday afternoon after i had already been there and seen it. Overall I would definetly use DAS again.