Horrible Experience

dallascain311 Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 8/12/2008 4:50:00 PM
DAS is the most pathetic company I have ever worked with. Their customer service department can never seen to give you a straight answer while your car is just sitting at their lot. They should be called Dependable Auto Highjackers. So far that seems to be the only thing they have been able to do correctly. Today is 8/12/08 and my car is still not here. They can not give an ETA of when the car will be delivered. Its just up to whenever the driver gets there. You would never find this kind of service with other Shippers of personal belongings. I am offically been held hostage for almost 3 weeks now. If it weren't for the dealer recommending this company I would have paid more and would have my car by now.

Below is an outline of conversations and events with DAS.

7/18/08 - Quoted that the total ship time would be 12 days, asked if that was business or regular days. Never received correspondance regarding question.

7/28/08 - Car delivered to terminal location in Gardena, CA. Quoted time of arrival 8/11.

7/30/08 - Verfied with Bernie in customer service car could arrive as early as 8/9 possibly 8/6. expressed my concern that I had to have this vehicle delivered no later than 8/11 because my current vehicle is going into the body shop for damage sustained in a storm from a tree falling on it. Bernie assured me that "it would be there in time."

8/7/08 - Called to verify that car would be delivered on 8/9. Jennifer in customer service informed me that the vechile was not currently assigned to a load and would not make the 8/9 date. But that the car even though not assigned to a load was scheduled for a direct path to Omaha with no stops in-between. It has now been 11 days that my car just sat in California.

8/8/08 - Tracked car on website, status showing "To Be Loaded."

8/9/08 - Website still showing "To Be Loaded" 24 hours later.

8/10/08 - Website status now shows "Vehicile in Phoenix".

8/11/08 - 8am Current Location "Phoenix, AZ", called and spoke with a guy at DAS customer service. He wouldnt give name. He stated that the vehicle was in transit to Frankfurt, IL. then to Omaha. I informed him that was 8hrs out of the way for Omaha. i informed him of what Jennifer stated and he was shoked, he stated that DAS never has direct path transports. He said that he did notice that Jennifer did notate that she informed me of that and that she was wrong. He then confirmed that the vehicle would not be delivered today and he wouldnt know till the vehicle got to Frankfurt as to a better ETA of it arriving in Omaha. I informed him that my original quote was for 12 business days and he said that was just an "Estimated Delivery Time" not guaranteed. So at this point it has been 16 days that DAS has had my car and they can still not tell me when my car will be delivered. 10pm Current Location "Sayre, OK".

This experience has been a nightmare and would never recommend using DAS. I have used other companies that were much better than this company. If you shipping a vehicle make sure to use someone else, even if it cost more.

I have also learned that their "Real Time 24 hour Online Satellite Tracking system only updates once a night. So don't expect to see you car being updated as it moves across country. It will read one city for a whole day until they "Update thier records."

I will update this as appropriately.