Dependable was dependable!

patrick Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 4/28/2005 1:11:00 AM
I bought a 350z through autotrader and the vehicle was out of state a litte over 600 miles away. I chose DAS rather than fly out and drive it home myself. I found mixed reviews but decided that on the internet, you will find people to be more vocal when they have had bad experiences more so than people who have had good experiences. From Wisconsin to Maryland door to door, it took them 7 days to deliver my car for 1073 dollars top loaded. I decided to wing it and take a gamble and not take the extra insurance becuase the car was fully covered with a low deducatable. The car came to my place the day it got to the terminal and washed and looking clean! The car did sit at the terminal of origin for 4 days before it was on its way and that was a little nerve rakcing but I guess its normal so they can wait for other cars to be loaded for effeciency. I would definately recomend DAS Autoshippers to anyone looking for a reliable and effecient car transport service!