Poor customer service

Matt Submitted this review about Continental Auto Movers
Review made Live: 8/6/2008 3:25:00 PM
Prior to booking with Continental Auto Movers, I did read some reviews. Interestingly enough, it's tough to find any transporters that have glowing reviews, even DAS! But I called Contintental because of their low bid. I talked with Danny, and he convinced me that he could do the job and do it timely. I informed him that I would be leaving feedback, good or bad, following my experience, and he seemed to welcome that.

My car was scheduled to be picked up on a Tuesday, but was not until the following Thursday. In between those times, there was a lot of excuses - truck mechanical issues, one of the other cars to be transported was packed full of stuff and the transporter had to wait until the other car was readied for shipment, etc. The most irritating thing was the lack of return phone calls and emails. The seller had the right to start charging me storage after seven days, so I was doing what I could to avoid that. But I couldn't get return calls from Continental after leaving messages. Continental will also tell you that it is their policy to give the customer the name and telephone number of the driver to maintain contact - wrong! Never happened. They never even confirmed that the car had been picked up - I called the seller to verify that.

I would recommend avoiding Continental Auto Movers. If you must use them, be very patient, and have a bottle of Tums nearby!