Bad,Bad Service

George Submitted this review about Caviness Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 7/13/2007 1:31:00 AM
This company is a disaster. They quoted us $900 for the job, but after we sent in the $100 deposit, they tried to up the cost to $1000, if we wanted quick service. We declined and waited. It took two weeks from when the car was ready for pickup to the actual pickup. The driver called for directions and said he'd be over in about one hour. I cancelled my evening plans and ended up waiting for him for 5 1/2 hours. Meanwhile, I called Tammy at Caviness, but she never returned my call. The driver finally called at 9:45pm and again asked for directions. He didn't follow my directions and got lost, eventually showing up at 10:30pm, even though when he called at 9:45pm, he was only 10 minutes away. This was on a Friday night. He said he expected to have the car in New Hampshire by the following Tuesday. Tuesday passed, no car. So we called Tammy again, still no return call. We called the driver's cell phone and left a message, but nobdy returned our call. Finally, I left Tammy a message on Thursday stating that if I didn't hear from her or the driver, that I was going to report the car as stolen. That prompted her to call the driver, who in return called us to say that the car would be delivered on Sunday, 5 days late. Run, don't walk, from this disaster!!!

Company Response
Tammy Caviness from Caviness Auto Carriers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 11/13/2007 3:46:00 PM
George, Yes we quoted you total price 1000.00. 100.00 out of that went to us. Leaving a balance of 900.00 going to the hauler at delivery of the car. When haulers call in and ask if we could call the customer to see if they will go up on the COD. We do ,But it is up to the customer if they want to do so.. We did fined a hauler. I am the broker on this one not the hauler . I have no control over the hauler there are a different company from us. And 9 days from west to east coast is good. Drivers can only drive so many hours per day by law. The driver should have kept You more in formed. But I do not control the hauler. And when you called it was after hours and I called you back the next day with the info I had and told you not to worry.. There was no diaster. Hauler didnt keep you informed like you wanted him to. And he should have. But there sould have been more patience.