***dont use these ppl***

lisa Submitted this review about Caviness Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 12/15/2008 2:40:00 PM
omg my husband and i have had the most horrible experience with these ppl!!! first they ignore phone calls, answering machine messages and emails. they had this non-english speaking man, notify us at 11pm that he was going to pick up our truck at 2pm the next day; already breaking their 24hr notice policy. well he didnt come until 9pm the next day.i had to give him instruction! he had no gps or map and he didnt even know where he was dropping our truck off at. he came with no truck; apparently he drove one of the cars he was hauling to our house while his truck was parked at a nearby gas station. he left this car @ our residence overnight! i called caviness and expressed our concerns, well that was a wrong choice. she belittled me and gave excuse after excuse. We honestly feared our truck was stolen. They drop off our truck of course late and the driver demands payment; even though we pre-paid. He threatened to take the truck. and when we called the office to settle this manner; of course our call wasnt answered. My husband is in the Army and having a vehicle shipped is a common manner; having this difficulty and stress shouldnt be!!!