Caviness a Rip Off

Charles Worley Submitted this review about Caviness Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 10/2/2008 3:59:00 PM
They are still up to their same old shananagans. I had a pick up date the was never met. I asked for another driver and they said it would back up my delivery 2 weeks. I waited and sudddenly tye driver is having "Car Troubles". I call Tammy to cancel and she said she would check into the problem. I never heard back from her or the driver and after asking for my $100.00 refund, I haven't seen the money or heard a word from Caviness.

Company Response
Tammy Caviness from Caviness Auto Carriers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/2/2008 8:37:00 PM
Charles, Threw your own words we got you carriers to ship your car. And for some reason you keep having trouble with them not us. Our job is to find carriers to ship customers cars and we did that twice for yours. So we were doing our job. So why can't you give the carriers a rating. And in our terms and conditions that you agreed to you know there are no refunds after we find carriers. You canceled your order with us. We did not cancel. And we did respond to your emails. And again we found you carriers and after they did not work out with you, you canceled your order, or we would have kept working on your order again.