Motorcycle Shipment

Popeye Malory Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 7/13/2010 4:16:00 AM
I called three shippers before I found Cascade Transpot. The three initial contacts had me bummed out. the first contact said they would get back to me if they found a carrier nearby. The second one quoted me $803.00 and would take about six weeks. The third kept nme on hold for 22 minutes, reminding me every thirty seconds that "your call is very important to us, please stay on the BLAH BLAH BLAH, and I was preparing myself to say "The Hell with this, I'll fly down to Louisiana and ride my bike back" I started looking for a flight from Colorado Springs to Shreveport, considering that I would need aat least three days to fly and ride back,a motel for two nights, not to mention a temporary tag issued in Louisiana. I decided to give the internet a last ditch effort and saw Cascade Vehicle Shipping and called them. To my surprise, a lady named Brenda answers the phone, quotes me $605.00 with a $50.00 rebate, and can pick up my bike within three days, and deliver it in three more days. I figured this is what I'll do. I send her a check over the phone for $205.00 and she tells me to pay the driver the remaining $400.00 at time of delivery. The following morning, my bike is picked up in Louisiana, the driver fills his back seat with two windshiels, helmet, bike cover, leather jacket, extra seat ,luggage rack, with no extra charge. The driver, Anzor, calls me , lets me know he's got my bike,and wants to drive all the way and asks if I wan t the bike early. I answered "Hell yes, wake me up when you get to my house" Brenda calls and confirms pickup, Anzor calls six hours later, and says he'll be here in twelve hours, then he calls again when he's 150 miles away,says he'll be here at 0130, gets a couple of flat tires, apologising for the delay, shows up at my house just passed 0300, he and I and a friend get the bike off the trailer,I pay him the $400.00, and off to Denver he goes with the other two cars on his trailer. From pickup to delivery was 18 hours!, no damage, constant contact by Brenda and Anzor. This nightmare in the beginning turns oiut to be UNBELIEVABLE in the end. I have been bragging about the service to everyone I see. I put over 200 miles on the bike 2 days before it was due to arrive. YOU GUYS ARE KILLER, and I ought to know, because I am an UNDERTAKER at the Cappadona funeral home in Colorado Springs. Most Sincerely...POPEYE

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/16/2010 10:02:00 AM
Popeye, what can i say? Thank you so much for the wonderful review! It was my pleasure helping you get your motorcycle. I hope your enjoying it. If you ever need my help again just let me know. ~~~~Brenda 360-834-7898