#6178409 Nicole Hancock

Doug Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 3/16/2010 1:50:00 PM
I really want to say that I am one hundred percent satisfied with my experience with Cascade Vehilce Shipping, but due to circumstances that could not be explained to me, it took almost three weeks to pick-up my vehicle. I was told it should be picked-up in 7-10 days. After about 12 days or so, I had to call Cascade to inquire as to whiy a truck had not been dispatched yet. The people with whom I spoke were very friendly and concerned that the vehicle was not yet on a truck. They made all necessary inquirires and reported back to me promplty, as promised. However, they had no explanation as to why no one would pick-up in this area- "it is a dead spot" was the only response I got. While I appreciate that they may have absolutely no control over this, it was extermely frustrating to not have an explanation or a plan B to get the car. Happily, a few days later, I received notification that a truck had been dispatched, and the pick-up and delivery went flawlessly.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 3/16/2010 5:52:00 PM
Doug, I am so sorry for the delays we ran into. But, I am very happy that you recieved your vehicle quickly once it was picked up. Unfortunately we cannot control the time frames for pick up or delivery in all locations, sometimes the drivers can get delayed. I hope you enjoy your vehicle and If you ever need anything in the future please give us a call. Nicole