Cascade Transport

Rick Garcia Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 8/20/2008 12:31:00 PM
After my buyer contacted Cascade, they had a response to me within hours. The car was picked up as promised the next morning on-time. I have never experienced a transport company that came the next day after being contacted by one of my buyers. Usually, it's a week to two weeks, sometimes longer. The driver was very knowledgeable about my car and all cars in general, and took extra care with my vehicle and those that had already been loaded on the transporter. The truck could actually hold nine vehicles, but he never puts more than eight in at one time. I was told by the driver that the vehicle might get to Arizona by Tuesday (this was Friday). My buyer emailed me Wednesday morning, the vehicle had arrived the night before. He was also impressed by the driver and the transporter. I will recommend Cascade to all my future buyers. I knew when the transporter left that the vehicle was in good hands, and I was right.