Bluegrass Auto Scammers

Pierre Submitted this review about Blue Grass Auto Movers
Review made Live: 2/16/2008 11:02:00 PM
I had Bluegrass auto movers pick up my car in Minneapolis to have it transported to Miami, the coast was a little over $800 (Invoice #1176784). Unfortunately, they damaged the rear bumped of the car. Bluegrass conveniently delivered the car at night when you could see nothing. I provided pictures to Sheila & sent them two bids as they requested so I can get the bumper replaced, but now they do not answer my calls, emails or faxes. The cost on both bids are minimal (under $500), yet I have heard no response from Bluegrass. It is not the cost that I am worried about as the damage is minimal & merely cosmetic, but rather the lack of customer service that has been provided. Bluegrass obviously does not care about keeping customers.

Remember when you are signing up with a carried like Angel's Auto they bid it out to other carriers, ensure you know which carrier will be transporting your vehicle & do not have Bluegrass transport your vehicle because if it gets damaged they will just avoid you as they are doing me.