Discount Auto Movers

Pamela Foley Submitted this review about Big Discount Auto Movers
Review made Live: 9/24/2008 10:07:00 AM
We called Discount Auto Movers for a quote about a month before the pickup date. We weren't exactly sure when we could get the car. We finally received a date to pick up the car so we called Discount Auto Movers. Most other places told me it would be at least two weeks to get a car from Mass. to Georgia. I was pleasantly surprised when Discount Auto Movers called me the next day (Tues) to tell me that they would pick it up on Friday am. Sure enough they did. They arrived here Monday around noon just like they said. Larry was the driver of the truck and very pleasant! I would definitely deal with this company again. I paid $95 on a credit card to Discount Auto Movers and paid the rest to the driver. The car was in excellent condition! Thanks!!