There is no better choice!

GTMO JOE Submitted this review about Big Brothers Auto Transport
Review made Live: 2/19/2008 7:58:00 PM
From the moment I called Cathy, I had a "Warm Fuzzy" feeling that my new car would be taken care of like I was doing it myself.
I'm in the military overseas and this was my Retirement present to myself and spent months finding just the right car. Great thing was that I spent 15 minutes finding Cathy and Big Brothers.
I called on a Tuesday and told Cathy my car would be ready for pickup Monday. The orginal truck had an "issue", but Cathy passed me an e-mail that weekend and a new truck was there the next day.
The Driver was very courteous to my wife when he delivered the car and assisted her with the inspection.
Use this company people!