
Chris Cheung Submitted this review about AutoZipper
Review made Live: 4/6/2007 12:53:00 AM
The pick up was a day later than the original pickup frame, but it still happened fairly soon after I placed my order. The drop-off was actually much earlier than I expected. The only problem I encountered was that the driver was running a little bit behind. The original schedule was that the driver would arrive by midnight, but eventually he didnt get here until 4 in the morning. However, he was very nice, he waited for a couple hours before calling me so i was waken up in the middle of the night and he could catch some sleep. Although it's still very early in the morning.. it was like 7. But anyhow, i was very satisfied with everything.
Both the driver and Brian were extremely nice and professional. A+++

P.S. it would be even better if they could gimme a lower price.. but yea.. whatever...