Poor Customer Service

Anthony Rios Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 4/14/2007 2:13:00 AM
In two words: STAY AWAY! Where do I start, first of all this company is only in business to make money and puts the customer second. Here is my story: I called Angels Moving Autos because of the good reviews I saw on the transportreviews website. I told them what I need and they quickly were able to make arrangements with a hauler and set up a time for my car to be picked up. I did specify with Angels however that there would be a window of two days when I would be unavailable to take delivery of my vehicle since I would be out of town. The acknowledged that and went ahead a scheduled a pickup time from the seller. I spoke with Dena(owner of Angels Moving Autos)originally and asked if I could pay my deposit and entire transport fee via my credit card. She said no problem and my credit card was charged the initial $200.00 deposit once my vehicle was picked up from the seller. Well as I mentioned earlier I told Angels about the days I would be out of town and that if the vehicle was going to be delivered, nobody would be around to pick it up. I did tell them that if the driver could come by early on the morning I was leaving I would be able to take delivery but only had till 12:00pm at the latest to wait around for it. Well unfortunately I got a call the night before I was going out of town saying the car would be in Austin around 10:00am. The next day comes around and 12:00pm no call, no car. I get in touch with the driver of the hauler and he informs me he is still 4 hours away and we even be leaving for another couple of hours. Well, there goes my out of town trip, I'm stuck waiting for my car. Finally at 6:00pm that night I get a call from the delivery driver saying his truck broke down 5 miles from my house. Not a big deal, I will just have my wife take me over to where he is broke down at and take delivery there, or so I thought. I get over there and have the car unloaded as I watch. The car is fine, no issues during the move. I hand the delivery driver my credit card and he looks at me like I'm from another planet. He proceeds to tell me that he only takes cash and if somebody else told me he would take anything else they were wrong. We discuss/argue for about 10 minutes before we decide that the transaction will have to wait until tomorrow. The next morning comes I head to the bank to withdraw the balance in cash and call the delivery driver to find out where he had his trailer towed to so I can pick my car up. Turns out he had the trailer hauled to a hotel 20 miles from my house while his truck was in the shop. I show up at his hotel and again he unloads the car I proceed to hand him $750.00 cash. He counts it and informs me that I still owe him $175.00. I inform him that the quote from Angels was $950.00 total for an enclosed vehicle transport. He then tells me that his fee is $925.00 and whatever I paid upfront in a deposit was extra and not included in "his" fee. We both get on the phone and contact Angels and inform them of the situation. We speak with Stephanie from Angels who says she would call the owner and ask her what to do. We wait around for at least an hour and hear nothing back. I finally call Angels back and talk to Stephanie again and ask her what her owner is going to do about the situation. She said to only pay the driver $750.00 and that Angels would resolve this issue on the next business day. I talk with the driver who also spoke with Angels and end up giving him $800.00 cash so I can finally take delivery of my vehicle. That makes the total for the transport $1000.00 so far. I call up Angels the next business day and inform them of how much I paid in cash and ask for a refund of $50.00 back on my credit card. They refuse to refund me anything, so I ask for the owner- Dena to please give me a call so I can discuss my very negative experience with her company personally. A week went by and I never got a call back, I even called several times during that week to try and catch Dena at the office but coincidentally she was never in....hmmm right. I called the following week and informed Stephanie that since the owner of the company was too busy to speak with a customer that I would be sure to share with everybody my horrible experience with Angels Moving Autos. She didn't seem too concerned and once again said she would relay the message to the owner. Well just a few days ago another $100.00 fee shows up on my credit card raising the total to $1100.00 for what was suppose to be a $950.00 move. They inform me the extra fee was for rescheduling. That's a whole other story. In the end I just wish I would have gone with DAS or somebody else. If I were you, go with another Broker/Hauler.

Company Response
Dina from Angels Moving Autos Submitted this response.
Response Date: 4/17/2007 4:05:00 PM
Anthony We are so sorry you got so upset about your $100.00 re-scheduling fee. However, you did cancel the first carrier and we had to assign a new one. You had not paid for the car yet, how can we know you have not completed your transaction if you do not let us know that. The new carrier you got from us was an enclosed carrier at an open price, with a savings of $500.00 to you. Reading your review is quite nauseating, since half of it does not line up with the notes we have in your order. Your vehicle was shipped on an excellent carrier, arrived in perfect condition, and you saved $400.00, please find someone else to take your anger out on.