First time transporting a vehicle

Pat O'Herin Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 8/19/2008 3:45:00 PM
I was apprehensive about getting my daughter's car from California to St. Louis. On top of that, she was leaving the country for a year and the car had to be picked up before she left. I had asked fro a pick up date on August 11, 2008 andon the 12th I called toc heck on the progress. I was told that it looked like the quote was a little low and that in order to expeditie, Dina said she knew of companies that would be quick if I was willing to pay $75 more. The difference was not that important to me, but getting the car picked up before the 17th was. I told Dina to proceed and she called me back within an hour to let me know that she had found a company that would pick up the car on the 14th and get it to me by the weekend, which was by Sunday, the 17th. She also said that the transport company was only going to cost an additional $25! So, I said absolutely yes! CDA Transportation picked the car up on that Thursday, the 14th and delivered the car to me on Saturday, the 16th!! I was very impressed. Michelle from Angel's and Adam, the CDA truck driver, were great, keeping me informed throughout the process. I would definitely use Angel's again and would give them a great reference. Thanks to all for making this as painless as possible!!