Most Miserable Experience Ever

Ali Fox Submitted this review about American Auto Relocation Pros.
Review made Live: 8/1/2008 7:38:00 PM
As a college student going home for the summer, I needed my car shipped from my school in California to my home in New Jersey. I needed it picked up by a specific date since I had a flight home and would not be available to hand the keys over. Since all of my friends were also leaving campus, I didn't have anyone I could leave the keys with. I specified at least ten times that I needed the car picked up by that specific date, and Diane said she completely understood and was doing "everything" she could to ensure this would happen. Unfortunately, Diane is the most incompetent person ever. She told me repeatedly that she was in contact with the driver yet she constantly failed to get useful information out of him, like how his route was going and when it looked like he would arrive in California to pick up my car. He too was a liar, telling Diane that he had spoken and coordinated with me, when in reality he never did. If Diane had been more diligent about tracking him down and making sure he spoke to me, my car wouldn't have been picked up ten days later than expected and I wouldn't have had to burden someone I barely knew with holding onto my keys and waiting by the phone for ten days to see when the driver would finally come pick up the car. Meanwhile, I'm in New Jersey freaking out because I have no idea when, or if, this car is going to be picked up by the time this acquaintance was flying home to Japan. I had nightmares of leaving the car in a deserted parking lot for three months. On top of that, they ditched the first driver (the one who lied about speaking to me) and contracted a new driver. In doing so, they charged me another $145 WITHOUT EVEN ASKING ME, and when my father called to see what was up, they told him I said it was ok to charge the extra money for a new driver. These people are completely incompetent and deserve to be put out of business.

Company Response
Dianne from American Auto Relocation Pros. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/19/2008 4:00:00 PM
Holy Moly!! This girl was a NIGHTMARE! If this had happened to anyone else, I would probably laugh, but alas it happened to me. We scheduled a shipment, booked a truck, and I thought that would be that. What I did not expect was a call from this girl every 10 minutes. Literally, every 10 minutes. The trucker had a 5 to 7 day window for pick up, which the customer agered to, but when we gave her the trucker schedule she freaked and demanded a "guaranteed" date, so we got an online AND verbal confirmation from her, and added the additional fee to her balance at delivery.Once it was picked up she called the trucker every 5 minutes, literally! It got to the point that I had to beg the trucker not to cancel the whole thing after this girl started calling the trucker at 5am for status updates, The trucker explained that she was asleep and that it would be better to call after 9 am, do you think this girl listened? NO! She called almost 30 more times in the next 2 hours. The extra fees came in to play because of the guarantee on the date, which the customer approved. This woman is a nightmare to do business with, and I feel that her perception of reality and what actually occured are very skewered. We shipped her car, on time for p/u and delivery, and delivered it to her within a week of p/u. Unfortunately, she has left this review, and there is nothing I can do other than let the public know the truth about Ms. Fox.